Insights from tomorrow

Forecasting the future of workplace benefits

Introducing Prescience 2026

Wendy Daniels, Transamerica's Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, discusses the reasons for the Prescience research and how employers may benefit from it.

Prescience: A history of success

Results of Prescience 2019 were on point. For example, predictions included: 

  • A majority of plans would use automatic enrollment
  • Tools that measure and communicate retirement readiness would be commonplace for participants and plan sponsors
  • The predominant use of mobile apps by plan participants

Prescience 2026 reports

Prescience 2026 Report #1: Employee financial well-being

The Prescience 2026 panel predicts growing demand for financial well-being benefits, fueled in part by factors already present in the workplace.

Experts in retirement, benefits, and finance predict the future of the economy, workforce, and benefits in this second report in the Prescience 2026 series.

Prescience 2026 Report #3: Dynamics of the American workforce

Prescience 2026 panelists share their expectations for workforce dynamics and how they will impact employee benefits and engagement.

Trends in financial well-being and retirement benefits relative to small (under 100 employees) employers are considered by the Prescience 2026 panel in our fourth report in the series.

Prescience 2026 Report #5: Financial wellness benefits and retirement

Panelists consider the future of financial wellness programs and their impact on plan sponsors, participants, and others in the retirement plan ecosystem.

We are grateful to our panel of experts for participating in Prescience 2026 and sharing their highly valued insights.

Transamerica Prescience 2026 is a collection of thoughts and opinions expressed by members of the Prescience 2026 Council, and not necessarily those of Transamerica.

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